The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh

Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5* Egypt: The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh 5*
Destinácia: Egypt, Hurghada, Sahl Hasheesh
Kód zájazdu: 1332858
Cena od: 1 159 €
Príplatky od: 0 €
Doprava: letecká
Termín: 02.08.2024 8/7 dní/nocí
Obchodník: 35790253
Kód termínu: 83301281

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Pobytové zájazdy
The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh Typ ubytovania: Skryť popis
Egypt, Hurghada, Sahl Hasheesh Strava:
Overený a luxusne vybavený hotel priamo pri krásnej piesočnatej pláži.
Vzdialenosť od letiska: 24 km
Vzdialenosť od pláže: 0 m
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Cena celkom: N/A

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